Metallurgy Industry

Nitrogen is used in the metalworking industry to improve production processes and reduce the risk of explosion.

Methods consisting of heat treatment and subsequent cooling are commonly used to harden metals. To avoid edge oxidation and decarbonization, especially during heating, the industrial sector uses nitrogen to protect the environment . Gases(such as hydrogen) form bubbles in the metal in the blast furnace, which, after the metal hardens, remain as cavities, and deposits of this nature can lead to premature material degradation. Due to avoid the formation of hydrogen brittle phenomenon. By injecting nitrogen into the furnace, liquid metals can be effectively degassed.


Different powders are added to the process to form a dust environment. To avoid the risk of dust explosion, cover with nitrogen. Add nitrogen to the casting of metals and alloys to improve product performance and save energy and materials.

Metals are also coated with other metals and materials that, in order to prevent long-term corrosion, are carried out in a protective gas environment consisting of nitrogen to prevent oxidation during the process.